In our first article we covered how to translate the single bit logical XOR (exclusive OR) function into its arithmetic equivalent. In part 2 we discussed how to step through the individual bits of a multiple bit operand so that we could transform our original XOR function into a bitwise operation. Lastly, in this article we will combine all of the information we've discussed so far in the previous two articles and synthesize it into the very programs that I submitted as my entries for the original challenge.
Although I am fluent in a few computer languages, my quick and dirty language of choice is Perl. For those interested in porting this example to other languages, the code should run equally well under Python with minor edits. Furthermore, although this particular challenge called for an implementation of the XOR function, the principles used to translate the function into its arithmetic equivalent apply equally toward the translation of other logical functions. In all such cases, the utility of the number (-1) will usually prove to be indispensable whether used to implement the logical function itself, or used as an alternate modulo 2 substitute.
At this point we have investigated all of the elements that we'll use to complete our program. We have developed arithmetic equivalents for our XOR function. We have implemented ways to step through each bit of our operands to perform bitwise operations. In short, we have assembled all of the ingredients; now it is time to bake this cake!
As you might imagine, despite our new understanding of the challenge, this program will be somewhat complicated to describe with plenty of room for typos. For this reason, I we'll actually be employing the computer itself to generate the final equation. Perl is well suited for this purpose although I suspect that Python would be an equally valid choice.
Given input variables $a and $b, we begin by breaking down each operand into its bitwise constitutents:
# our improvised %2 function: ((1-(-1)**$n)/2)
for ($i=0; $i<32; $i++) # 32 bits
$hash= sprintf("%02x", $i);
$ai= "a".$hash; #hash for var containing rotate eq a.bit[i]
$bi= "b".$hash; #hash for var containing rotate eq b.bit[i]
$n= "\$a*2**(32-$i)%(2**32-1)"; # rotate to bit a.bit[i]
$var{$ai}= "((1-(-1)**($n))/2)"; # assign hash for a.bit[i]
$n= "\$b*2**(32-$i)%(2**32-1)"; # rotate to bit b.bit[i]
$var{$bi}= "((1-(-1)**($n))/2)"; # assign hash for b.bit[i]
$var{$ai}= "((1-(-1)**($n))/2)"; # assign hash for a.bit[i]
$n= "\$b*2**(32-$i)%(2**32-1)"; # rotate to bit b.bit[i]
$var{$bi}= "((1-(-1)**($n))/2)"; # assign hash for b.bit[i]
The above code will cycle through the 32 bits (0-31) of both operands and assign each hash in %var to be the equation necessary (given an input '$a' or input '$b' ) to rotate the bit at the position specified by $i to the one's position (2^0) and to evaluate the result as either being even (0) or odd(0).
First the code creates a hash using the name of the operand ('a' or 'b') concatenated to the hexidecimal value of $i. Next, the variable $n is assigned to the equation representing the rotation of the bit at the position specified by $i to the one's position of the operand (2^0). Lastly, the %var hash is assigned the equation representing our alternate modulo 2 function applied to the rotation in $n. When all is said and done, in Perl terms, $var{'a12'} will be assigned to the equation required to rotate the bit found at the 18th position (because 12 in hexidecimal is 18 in decimal) to the one's position (also known as the least significant bit) and to evaluate it as being zero (0) or one (1).
Keeping these equations straight and typo-free is half the battle! Using the computer to do it for us greatly simplifies the remaining programming ahead.
Armed with equations to evaluate each bit of both operands (a, b), we are now in the position to program our computer to give us our bitwise XOR function. We accomplish this using the following code:
$formula= "";
for ($i=0; $i<32; $i++)
$hash=sprintf("%02x", $i);
$ai= "a".$hash;
$bi= "b".$hash;
for ($i=0; $i<32; $i++)
$hash=sprintf("%02x", $i);
$ai= "a".$hash;
$bi= "b".$hash;
chop ($formula); # get rid of last newline
chop ($formula); # get rid of last (+) sign
chop ($formula); # get rid of last newline
chop ($formula); # get rid of last (+) sign
$formula.=";"; # append semi-colon (:)
print "$formula\n"
The final formula ends up being the addition of subsequent applications of our derived XOR function using $var{$ai} and $var{$bi} (as we defined them in the previous code segment) as inputs. Using the variable $formula, we accumulate these repeated applications of our arithmetic XOR function by multiplying the output of each XOR operation by the power of 2 representing the output bit's position within the result.
When this program is executed, Perl's string substitution will faithfully reproduce the precedence and syntax of the simpler functions we needed to combine to create the complete equation. We'll then use the output from this program as paste it into another separate program for evaluation:
Now that we have our equation (in a syntactically correct, Perl compatible format), we need only add a few additional Perl statements to create our finished program:
my $buf= <STDIN>;
my ($a, $b) = split /\s+/, $buf;
my $result=
print "$result\n";
We're DONE! This program was submitted as a solution to the original challenge. At this time of this writing I have not been contacted by the original poster concerning the bounty, but I am confident that we have a working program. Bounty or not, it was an interesting challenge (although I would prefer to collect the bounty :-) ) and a nice creative problem solving exercise. I'll post updates here when I get them.
We now resume our ASIC Erupter Blade discussion already in progress, thanks for reading...
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